Highways Advice Ltd is an independent highways consultancy, providing transport engineering and development planning services in Northwest England. Working with architects, planners and developers, helping clients secure planning consents for all kinds of development projects.
Qualified in transport engineering and town planning (MCIHT & MRTPI) - with 25 years public and private sector experience of the development planning process.
The consultancy provides technical support in the following areas:
Pre-Application Highways Advice * Transport Statements * Consultations with Highway Authorities * Access Strategies * Site Design * Swept Path Analysis * Servicing Management Plans * Car Parking Surveys * Car Parking Management Plans * Traffic Generation Analysis * Planning Condition Discharge Reports * Travel Plans * Visibility Splay Agreements * S.177 Oversailing Licences * S.247 Highway Stopping Up Applications * Planning Appeal Statements * Expert Witness
Highways Advice was founded in 2014 by chartered transport engineer and town planner Andrew Burrows MSc MCIHT MRTPI.
Andrew has 25 years experience in the highways development planning industry, gaining planning approvals for residential, commercial, industrial, educational and leisure developments across the UK.
Andrew has also represented local highway authorities in the development control process, providing specialist technical highways advice in relation to a wide range of planning applications, appeals and inquiries.
Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your project requirements or to request a fee quotation via andrew@highwaysadvice.com
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm